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Group Activities by topic


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Alphabetical Listings by Topic:

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Accountability and Responsibility

6 Shoulds and Should Nots for Responsibility

Accountability and You - Are You Meeting the Challenge?

Accountability Self-Examination Worksheet

Responsibility Road - Looking at the critical concept of increasing responsibility

The Responsibility Riddle

Addiction and the Brain (See also Disease Concept of Addiction)

The Resilient Brain

This is Your Brain on Drugs...(Fried Egg Not Included)

VIDEO - The Brain and Addiction Behavior with Dr. Erin Zerbo, MD



Adolescent/Young Adult Specific

Adolescent Activities List - A guide with recommendations from this website for clinicians working with adolescents

ADOLESCENTS: RISK FACTORS - Exploring risk factors for substance use issues with young people

Adolescent Substance Use - A basic educational outline for those working with adolescents and parents

Adolescent Substance Use Group (Multiple Choice) - This is a kahoot activity for adolescent substance use groups

Drug Dealing

Identifying Teen Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use (PDF Presentation Slides) 

VIDEO LINK Teen Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use (Corresponds with above)

Three Paths: A Discussion of Marijuana

Anger Management (See also "Relationships" for Conflict Resolution material)

Anger Discussion Sentence Completion - Simple questions for opening up discussion on anger

Anger Management: Digging Deeper and Using Basic AM Skills

Anger Memories: Family

Anger Styles

Basic Anger Management

Owning and Discharging Anger

Owning Anger Using "I" Statements

Ways People Express Anger



Anxiety (Also check "CBT Specific" heading as well as "OCD" heading)


The Anxiety Compass: Coping Across Four Dimensions

Anxiety and Panic

The Great Lie of Anxiety

Realistic Self Talk

Three Ps for Coping with Anxiety in the Moment   -  VIDEO LINKCoping in the Moment

READCoping with an Overactive Mind - (Inspirational reading submitted by Nicole Tierney)



Assessment and Screening Tools

Click to view the Taking the Escalator Assessment and Screening Tools

Assessing Your Change Initiative - Getting started learning about insight, internal motivation and external motivation

VIDEO LINK"Understanding Insight and Motivation for Positive Change" - (Corresponds with Assessing Change Initiative)

Attention, Concentration and ADHD

Attention and Concentration



Anger Attitude Check

Attitude Antonym Answers

Confident or Cocky - It Matters

Garbages and Gardens (Attitude Made Simple)

Keeping it Positive: "I Love it When a Plan Comes Together"


Professing the Positive

Shift to a Positive Focus

Surviving Challenges by Adjusting Your Attitude


CBT Specific

CBT and Me: Part 1 - Starting with Thinking

CBT and Me: Part 2 - Feeling our Feelings

CBT and Me: Part 3 - Changing Behaviors

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Overview

The Cognitive Distortion Scale An interesting way to "weigh" distortions as well as traditional Cognitive Distortion list

REBT - Overview of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy skills for group



Change Planning/Recovery Planning

READ: 5 and 5 for Change

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

Change Analysis - Examining the actual, the real and the ideal

Change Management Planning

Change Mode

The Definition of Insanity

Flipping the Script on Addiction

A Journey Through Change - Looking at change from various perspectives

Life's Education: Breaking the pattern of repeated mistakes

Outside In - Building yourself up on the inside by developing a solid plan

READPlanning for Inspiration

Return to Normalcy

Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

Stay Inspired by Planning for Change (Activity)



Checking In and Progress Reports

Check In - A basic tool for checking in where you are today

Check In Cheat Sheet Expanded - UPDATED WITH MORE - Everything a counselor needs for group check in

Group Goal

Progress Report - Basic progress report worksheet for getting relevant discussion started

Self Assessment: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Systems Check - A comprehensive review of where you are in the change process


Children (Activities for Children 12 and Under)



Closing Group - Ideas, Activities and Worksheets for the End of the Session

Discussion Outline for Speakers or Video

End of the Day Review

Goodbye Group - An outline for group when someone is leaving, graduating or moving on

Group Close-Out Ideas

Life Story Outline

Motivational Minute

Text Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself - (Group close-out homework and follow-up activity)

Topics for Art or Journaling

Weekend Relapse Prevention Plan




Cohesion Building for Groups

3A's - Appeciation, Assessment & Advice

Adjective Anecdotes

Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection  - Multiple shorter activities to choose from in this large collection  

Caption This

Care or Don't Care Icebreaker - Another basic tool for starting group discussion

Choose or Lose Icebreaker - Some basic multiple choice questions for opening up discussion

Clothes Minded

Cohesion Cards

Declare-Disclose-Display - A variety of ways to get the group talking and interacting

Deep and Personal - Some in depth personal questions for opening people up

Describe - Draw - Describe - Get group sharing thoughts and feelings with art

Escalator Jeopardy - A comprehensive educational review

(Also see "Life Jeopardy" under the Coping Skills heading)

(Also see "Substance Use and Mental Health Recovery Jeopardy" also under Coping Skills)


Fill in the Blanks Discussion Generator

Fun Facts

Grab Bag - A great list of interesting, questions and other situations to get people talking

Grading the Group - Interactive group report card

Group Awards

Group Glue - This one has a little bit of education because it explains the power and value of group cohesion

Group Profile

Group Member Fill In the Blank - A great exercise to have fun and make group interactive

Group Share Battle - A group activity to get group talking about some recovery-based topics for positive change

The Honesty Game

Hello Neighbor

Icebreakers for Break Time - Short but interesting group assignments for breaks in between groups

Incoming Text Icebreaker

Image Narrations

The League of Just Us - A basic fun activity focused on superheroes

Making the Most out of Substance Use Treatment - This is unique because it is an interactive Kahoot activity

Majority - Interactive exercise, better for an established group than a new one

Memories: A Sci-Fi Icebreaker Adventure

Mini Groups

My World

One Thing

Pick or Pass

Pointless Pursuits - (Warning: only try this if you and the group members have established a degree of comfort)

Positive Vibes

The Randomizer


Remember When...

"Roll Play"...aka This May Get Dicey"

Social Media Icebreaker - Exercise for self expression based on social media

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Telehealth Specific Group Cohesion Building Activities - Ideas specifically for virtual video groups

Topic Turnaround

Trivia Question Reflections

Unique - Discussing what you would and wouldn't do

What I Bring to the Table

What You Should Know About Me

You Have Five Minutes Until You to Run Group and You Have Nothing Prepared

Do not forget to check the Taking the Escalator FORUM page for more icebreakers and brief group therapy modules




Breaking the Cycle of Broken Promises


Communication, Boundaries and Social Skills

Assertive Communication

Learning to Say "No" Effectively

Sophisticated Debates

Win, Lose or Indifferent: Positive Qualities for Positive Gains




Complacency - (Submitted by Laura Laura Hennessy, LCSW. LCADC)

Co-Occurring Disorders/Coexisting Mental Health Issues - (See also Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions) 

READ: Addressing Co-Occurring Disorders

COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction

Coexisting Mental Heath Issues - A checklist for starting to look at mental health

Two Way Coping Strategies for Substance Use and Mental Health Issues

Conflict Resolution (Look under "Relationships")


Control Loss

READ: To Control or Not to Control...Is that the Question?

Powerlessness and Willpower - Looking beyond powerlessness to examine where we can build willpower

Power and Control - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC)

Working Out Self Control Muscles

Coping Skills and Life Skills- General

READ - Accept - Cope - Adapt, Part One

Accept-Cope-Adapt - An approach for dealing with life struggles

Coping Circle

Coping Skills and Qualities from the Animal World

Coping Tool Box: Warmup Exercise

"Life" Jeopardy

Life Skills Profile

Pet Appreciation - Discussing how animals can help us cope

Positive Self Statement Coping Collection

Skill Building

Substance Use and Mental Health Dual Recovery Jeopardy


Use Your Brain and Not Your Pain - Another simple but effective strategy for coping with challenging emotions



Couples (See also "Relationships")



Coping with Cravings - An essential list of tools for understanding and managing cravings and urges

Cravings Plan


Criminal Justice Specific


Decision Making, Ethics and Problem Solving

Challenging Choices Checklist - This is specifically for life's more difficult decisions

Decision-Making and Ethics - Examining what is behind making the right choices

Ethical Decision-Making 2 - Using insight and ethics to make tough choices

The Five Basic Elements of Effective Decision Making

Group Problem Solving

Lost - When you just don't know which way to turn

Making the Right Choice - Another look at making decisions starting from good solutions

Red Flags for Decision Making – Warning Signs for Productive Living

The Space Between - Effectively using the space between feelings and words/actions 

When All Else Fails: The Costanza Principle - (Literally only use when all else fails)


Defense Mechanisms

Shielding - Looking at how we may try to protect ourselves from in comfortable realities

Group Roles - Outline of different ways individuals may protect themselves in group settings



Coping with Depression  - Basic Depression Overview

Depression and Alcohol Quiz - A very basic quiz focused on opening up a basic discussion on this topic

Exploring Depression and Coexisting Issues - Focus on Major Depressive Disorder and coping skills


Developmental Disabilities

  • Tips4Inclusion - Tim Rohrer is a young man who grew up with disabilities who now shares his own tools and resources


Disease Concept of Addiction (see also Addiction and the Brain)

Defining Addiction

The Disease Concept of Addiction - Review of "symptoms" of addiction

Major Life Aspects of the Disease of Addiction


Distress Tolerance


Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia



Empathy Moments

READ: Empathy without Agreement

"I Feel Like No One Understands"


Excuse Making

READ: Circumventing Excuses

Or READ - The Subterfuge Exclusion - (Similiar to Circumventing Excuses in different format)


Families, Support and External Motivation

Addiction and Choice - More Food for Thought

Do You Have to Want to Change? - Podcast

CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) - "10 Basic Messages for Families" Slides - Robert Meyers PhD

External Motivation - Looking at what pushes us to change and ways to increase support

Family Match Game - An icebreaker discussion for multi-family therapy group

Family Timeline

Good Choices for Good Living - For Families

POWERPOINT SLIDES Good Choices for Good Living - For Families PowerPoint

Healthy Families - Looking at positive family qualities

Helpers - Identifying who is out there to help you with the change process


The Pendulum - Examining Common Family Issues - Examining some common family challenges

Positive Voices Around Us: Exploring Perspectives of Family, Friends, Community, and Support

READ: Push Your Best Foot Forward

Stages of Change -A Guide for Families of Individuals with Substance Use Issues

Support Report - Assessing and maximizing existing potential support system

Support Zones & Interpersonal Boundaries - Stepping outside of your comfort zone to build support

Strategy List for Families Dealing with a Loved One's Substance Use Issues

VIDEO - Click here to see the above outline "Strategy List for Families..." via Facebook Live video

You Cant Nag Someone Sober



Fear and Phobias

Are You Letting Fear Hold You Back?

CONFIDENCE BUILDING - (Overcoming Fear of Failure)

Courage and Discouragement

Overcoming Fear of Change

Overcoming Fear of the Unknown




Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions (General)

Change the Channel: The TV Mind Analogy

Dealing with Feelings - Coping with feelings from three viewpoints

Difficult Feelings: Dissect and Deal

READ: Emotional Self-Prevention - Looking at sensitive areas

"The Feeling"

Feeling Under the Weather - A brief true-false list to open an honest discussion about feelings

Five Key Aspects of Appropriately Managing Feelings

Happiness Factor - (Submitted by Lesley SanFilippo, LCSW)

The IDEA Technique- A tool for coping with challenging thoughts and feelings

Meta-emotions - Feelings about feelings

READ: Please Dont Feed the Monster - An illustration about negative thoughts and feelings

Thinking About Thinking - Looking at the link between thinking, feeling and behaving

Thinking, Feeling and Coping in Challenging Scenarios

Thinking Styles - Tool for self-analyzing how we think

Thoughts and Feelings - Gaining an improved understanding how our thoughts and feelings affect us



Forgiveness and Resentment

Drop the Rocks - Letting go of resentments

READNicole Tierney on Forgiveness

Part 1 : Forgive, Live and Love

Part 2: Divisions of Forgiveness

Part 3: Some Thoughts to Help Cope

Forgiveness and Self Care- Contributed by Jamie Lewitt MSW Intern






Future Gifts

Give the Gift of Kindness and Hope

Giving Activities - There is more happiness in giving than receiving

Giving the Gifts of Values and Virtues

Yankee Swap Icebreaker

Goal Setting

Common Goals

Don't Just Set Goals, Keep Them Going

VIDEO LINK for above worksheet - Don't Just Set Goals, Keep Them Going

Four Year Prediction Time Capsule - An interactive exercise on long term goal setting

Giving Yourself the Best Chance to Succeed

Goal Setting - Using goals to build motivation

Goal Setting Collective: Looking Forward to the Year Ahead

Goal Setting Go Fish

Good Choices for Good Living

Hopeful Thoughts and Plans for the Year Ahead - Discussion questions for the upcoming year

No Years Resolutions

PCRP - Person Centered Recovery Plan - (Submitted by Katie Tracy, LCSW)

When We Realize we are Small, Big Transformation Happens – A Perspective on Goal Setting



The Big Gratitude List

Embracing Life's Minor Miracles: A Gratitude Self Awareness Journey

Gratitude Grab Bag

The Gratitude Grid

Overreaction: Putting Things in Perspective with Gratitude

The Science of Gratitude: Why Being Grateful Feels So Good


Grief and Loss

Coping with Death and Dying - A simple outline for discussing coping with a recent loss 

Grief and Loss Cycle (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC)

  • Coping with Grief and Loss - University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Gone too Soon - Workbook specific to loss related to fatal overdose by the BC Centre on Substance Use
  • Grief and Loss Workbook from Better Endings - (Written specifically for people with FASD but most material useful for anyone)
  • Substance Abuse and Overdose: When a Loved One Dies - The Bereavement Center
  • Additional GRIEF, LOSS, and BEREAVEMENT collection from around the web


Guilt and Shame

Guilt and Shame - Understanding and learning to cope with these challenging feelings

Understanding and Coping with Guilt and Shame - Similar to the other but in a different format

  • Coping with Guilt and Shame Workbook - Leutenberg and Liptak



Funny Questions

Icebreaker (See "Cohesion Building for Groups" on this page) Also check Forum page

Insight Building - Basic, (Early Stage)

Be Your Best Self

Binge Watch My Life

Cell Phones: A Double Edged Sword

Counting the Cost of THC (This has nothing to do with marijuana)

Dig Deeper: Progressive Group Discussion Starters

Good Times. Bad Times

How High was I..How Low did I Go? Assessing highs and lows of getting high

Insight: Keeping the Window Open

The Irony of Addiction

Knowing What You Don't Know (Simplified Version)

Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction

The Last 3

The Numbers Game

Past, Present and Future

Perspective Shifts for Positive Growth 

Point of View Adjustment - Looking at other viewpoints to gain awareness

Remembering Me A.D. (After Death)

Self Exploration Through Free Association

Self Discovery

Self-Ratings Scale (The Lanni Scale)

Taking a Trip to the Other Side - Again exploring insight and motivation building from new perspectives

This or That

Using Fables to Overcome Foibles

What is Self-Honesty and Why is it So Important?

Why Didn't I Listen?

  • Character Traits List - (Free download from
  • Honesty and Recovery Worksheet - Author unknown
  • Self Awareness Worksheet: Who am I - Destiny's Odyssey


Insight Building - Advanced

Addiction and Mental Health Pictured

Expectations vs Reality: Expectations, Reality and the Role of Acceptance

An Interview with Your Past and Future Self

Facing the Music

Find Yourself

Gardener's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The Insight Game - Who knows the group?

Keeping it Real

Knowing What You Don't Know II -  (Advanced Discussion)

Making Healthy Self -Investments

The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror

My Interpretation

Overcoming Ignorance and Indifference for Positive Growth


Pick a Card - A variety of questions for insightful discussion

Self Searching for Acceptance

Simile Self Identification

Simple Insight Inventory - Strengthening existing insight to build motivation

Simple Insight Inventory II - (External/Support) - Working on external motivators and supports

A Step Outside the Comfort Zone

READ - Topping Out...Worse than Hitting Bottom?

Truth Mining

READ - Unfollowing the Nonsense - A brief discussion on how media can influence perception

The Vacation Always Looks Nicer on the Other Side of the Screen

Why am I Here? - Getting honest about the real reasons for coming to treatment

Wisdom, Intelligence and Changing Your Paradigm


Integrity Self Exploration

READ - Integrity - (Reflective reading submitted by Charles Radiola, MA, LCADC)

Matrix Model (SAMHSA) - See "Stimulants" below


Meaning and Purpose

Meaning and Purpose in the Change Process

Setbacks, Meaning, Purpose and Belief

Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment (See also Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions - See also Co-Occurring)

Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Overview

Read: Remaking Your Mind

Read: Should I See My Friend's Therapist? - Examining the Pros and Cons

Mind on Mental Health (Podcast), has an engaging host and knowledgeable speakers on MH topics

Mood Swings/Bipolar Disorder

Understanding and Coping with Mood Swings


Motivation Building (Internal)

3 G's to Keep You Going

13 Expectations and Aspirations

14 Character Traits that are Essential for Sustaining Internal Motivation

Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive - (Love the Good, Hate the Bad)

Dissecting the Heart - Enhanced internal motivation building

Flammable Areas - Early stage insight and motivation building

Friction, Traction and Action

From the Heart - VIDEO LINK: From the Heart

READ - Getting Started - (What Do I Do? - Getting Started Up the Mountain) - Motivational reading

Going the Distance: Sustaining Motivation

Just Do It (Already)

Low Hanging Fruit


Motivate Me 1 2 3

Motivation, Determination, & Habit in Recovery - (Submitted by Cassie Jewell)

"Must Haves" - Identifying and Discussing Basic Needs for Self-Improvement

Positive Motivation - Building motivation by focusing on the positive

Recovery Stories

Simple Questions During Complex Challenges

Starting and Staying on a Positive Note

What You Love


Music and Recovery - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy LCSW, LCADC)


Poetry and Writing 


Problem Solving (See "Decision Making")


Procrastination (Read now don't wait until later)


Progress Reports (See "Checking In")





Letting Go of Regrets


Relapse - See "Setbacks"

Relationships/Conflict Resolution/Social Skills (See also Anger)

The Cycle of Over-functioning, Guilt, and Resentment 

Guilt and Relationships - Coping with the challenges of guilt in relationships

Healthy Life- Healthy Relationships - Examining qualities for relationship building

VIDEO LINK - Healthy Life- Healthy Relationships - Corresponding video to above worksheet

The Ideal Partner - Looking at what you want out of relationships

READ - Is Tough Love Too Tough?

More On Relationships

Planning Ahead for Relationship Issues

Readjusting Your Relationship Radar - Adjusting the way you choose relationships

READ: The Relationship Analogy

Relationship GPS: Navigating Positive and Negative Relationship Behaviors

READ: The Relationship Radar

Relationship Red Flags

Resolving Conflicts without Anger

Rules of "Fighting Fairly" - Some basic rules for conflict resolution in relationships

READ - Six Qualities of Healthy Couples that Stay Together

Social Relationships - Setting Priorities


Resentment (See Forgiveness)


How Do You Heal?

The Power of Caring, Connection and Resilience


Resilience in Action

Resilience is the Endgame



R-E-S-P-E-C-T...(Find Out What it Means to Me)


Safety, Suicide Prevention, Risk Management


Self Awareness: (See Insight)

Self Care and Wellness

Body Talk

Boredom Buster

Creating an Emotional Self Care Plan

Grind Through Boredom

Rethinking Boredom

Self-Care Review



Self Esteem

Insecurity - Everyone has them, is the group ready to share them?

Maintaining a Balanced Ego - Looking at a balanced view of self

Self Esteem II - More self esteem, continued...

Self Esteem Boost: Building Self Esteem and Increasing a Sense of Self Worth

Self Value - (Submitted by Lesley Sanfilippo, LCSW)

Self Esteem and Affirmation Development - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC)

Self Awareness - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC)

The Truth about Self Esteem - An in depth look at Self Esteem from a realistic perspective



Self Pity

Self Pity

Setbacks and Relapse

Analyzing Risk Patterns

Associations - Honestly considering how your choice of associations affect you

Before and After

READBeyond People, Places and Things

The "Cushion" Background Information

The "Cushion" Concept for Managing Setbacks

Crushing Compromise


Deflating the Cushion from the Inside

Don't Go Down That Road

Event Planning to Prevent Setbacks

External and Internal Setback Factors

FOMO - How to Identify, Prevent and Overcome the “Fear of Missing Out”

Getting Over the Hump - An activity for those who have been at this a long time

Holiday Survival Plan - Planning ahead to get through any holiday without setbacks or relapse -

READ: IF - Intensity and Frequency

Managing Setbacks: Group Introduction

Plan to Avoid Relapse - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC)

Principle Zero

Self Sabotage

The Setback-Motivation Guide

Setback Prevention Skills for Success

Setback Scenarios

Stability and Setback Prevention Checklist

Starting Over

Staying the Course Toward Success – Know the SIGNS

The Struggle is Real

Timeline Analysis

Triggered: A Discussion on Coping with Mental Health and Substance Use 

UNG- Unnecessary Grief - Thinking and planning ahead to avoid trouble later

Weekend Plan - A basic planning tool for surviving weekends

Why Be Honest: Talking About Setbacks and Relapse



Sex Addiction





Smoking Cessation Specific Worksheets:

Cravings and Smoking: Basic Principles

Cravings and Smoking: Skills List

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Options

Smoking Quit Plan

Smoking Relapse Warning Signs

Smoking Triggers Worksheet

Spirituality (Moved to "Meaning and Purpose")


The River of Choices: Coping with Stigma

Podcast - Overcoming Stigma with Empathy


Stimulant Use Disorders




Orders - (The opposite of "Disorders")

Strength Building for Positive Change

Strengths and Weaknesses 

Stress Management

Coping with Stress - A comprehensive list of effective coping skills

Killer Bs – The Effects of Stress and the Body, Brain and Behavior

Staying Centered and Moving Forward

Stress Management

Stress Planning




Stories of Recovery

Full Circle: From Recovery to Colleagues  - (With Discussion Questions)

Melissa Mackolin on her Journey to Recovery - Podcast

Nicole Tierney: A Story of Recovery and Hope

Megan Reeves: Hold on Pain Ends - (With discussion questions)



The Table of Trust


Values, Morals, Honesty and Integrity

Alligator Fever

Choose Your Battles

Desert Island

Duplicity: The Story of Addy

Getting Honest Icebreaker

It's Easy to Be Honest When You Have Nothing to Lie About

I Wish

Lifeboat Activity 

Morals and Values

Moral of the Story

Top 3

Values Auction Activity

Values and CBT

Values and Choices

Values and Priorities

Values and Setbacks

Values: Opening Exercise

Values: Past, Present and Future

Values - What's Important

VIDEO LINK - VALUES - WHAT'S IMPORTANT - (Corresponds to the above worksheet)



Additional VETERANS collection from around the web


Video (See also "Stories of Recovery" above)

Taking the Escalator YouTube Page - Videos for group therapy

The Brain and Addiction Behavior with Dr. Erin Zerbo, MD

Coping with Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World

Don't Just Set Goals, Keep them Going

Facing Your Fears: An Exposure Therapy Guide

Full Circle: From Recovery to Colleagues

Healthy Life - Healthy Relationships

Life Story Video - LB HEARS Episode 1 - Nikki Tierney - (Click to view)

Not Okay? Its Okay Podcast - Topic: Opioid Addiction - Audio/Visual Version (Facebook Live)  

Resilience in Action: Lessons from Overcoming Obstacles and Supporting Positive Change

"Strategy List for Families..." via Facebook Live video

Supported Employment: Caring for the Whole Person - Interview with Supported Employment Specialist Ayla Fleming LCSW

The Trench: A Metaphor for Recovery and Positive Change

Understanding Insight and Motivation for Positive Change

Values - What's Important

Treatment Videos - Interviews for individuals and families inquiring about seeking substance use/co-occurring treatment

Created by Tigger House Foundation:

Treatment Options

Co Occurring Disorders

The Conversation

Family Loved Ones

Getting Discharged




Help Needed! - Click here to see how you can help Taking the Escalator expand and grow!

Stories of Recovery

Unless otherwise specified, all materials on this page are Taking the Escalator originals. At the end of each subheading section are some additional resources from around the web for Taking the Escalator users to look through and download. These materials are open source for public use

Materials that are from outside sources are marked with a square bullet point as done for this line. It is our policy not to violate other source's copyrights, so if you notice a potential conflict, please email us at

Materials marked "CCI" are from a large collection which comes generously from the Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) in Western Australia, who has allowed these mental health worksheets and activities to be uploaded and shared for counselors by Taking the Escalator. 

CCI Logo

To view the CCI website directly go to -

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